Intense picosecond terahertz radiation has opened new opportunities in solid-state physics and materials science, allowing to probe and/or control different degrees of freedom of a solid by driving electrons, magnons, or phonons at ultrafast timescales with an intense electric field associated with photon energy in the meV range1. Owing to significant spectral weight in the terahertz (THz) frequency range and the momentum conservation, THz radiation can be directly coupled to high-frequency optical phonons (1-40 THz range), while other phonon modes can be also excited as a result of nonlinear interaction2. However, despite numerous reports on optical phonon generation with THz light, there are still some debates on the driving optical phonon generation mechanisms, possibly originating from the non-linear ionic Raman scattering3 or THz sum frequency excitation4.
Here, we conduct an experimental study on a well-known thermoelectric compound and topological insulator, 16nm thick semimetal Bi2Te3 film, grown by the molecular beam epitaxy on the mica substrate. To study the coherent optical phonon dynamics, the sample was excited with pulsed, high-peak (up to 300 kV/cm) field THz radiation, and we measure the change in the 400 nm probe beam transmittance in a pump-probe geometry. In this work, we report the controlled excitation of 1.85 THz A11g Raman active optical phonon with THz radiation having a central frequency in the range of 0.53-0.72 THz. From the notions of the transient phase and THz field strength – optical phonon amplitude dependence, we then try to identify the various pathways of the A11g mode excitation with pulsed THz radiation.
1. Kampfrath, T., Tanaka, K. & Nelson, K. A. Resonant and nonresonant control over matter and light by intense terahertz transients. Nat Photonics 7, 680–690 (2013).
2. Först, M., Mankowsky, R. & Cavalleri, A. Mode-Selective Control of the Crystal Lattice. Acc Chem Res 48, 380–387 (2015).
3. Melnikov, A. A. et al. Coherent phonons in a Bi2Se3 film generated by an intense single-cycle THz pulse. Phys Rev B 97, 214304 (2018).
4. Maehrlein, S., Paarmann, A., Wolf, M. & Kampfrath, T. Terahertz Sum-Frequency Excitation of a Raman-Active Phonon. Phys Rev Lett 119, 127402 (2017).
Topics | Session A. Physics of condensed matter and spectroscopy |
Contact Email address | artem.levchuk@cea.fr |