- Rostyslav Danylo (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée)
We have synthesized spinnable carbon nanotube (CNT) [1] and have developed the CNT strain sensors as components of a textile based, wearable sensing system for real-time motion detection [2]. The aligned CNT layer was formed by stacking CNT webs drawn from a spinnable CNT forest. In the strain sensors, we sandwiched the aligned CNT sheet between elastomer layers. We have applied the CNT strain...
An intense femtosecond laser pulse propagating in air undergoes a filamentation process, during which beam self-focusing due to the optical Kerr effect is counterbalanced by beam defocusing due to plasma generation. As a consequence, the propagating laser pulse maintains a high intensity over very long distances. I will describe some applications exploiting this effect. It includes remote...