22-25 October 2019
Faculty of Radio Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems
Europe/Kiev timezone


Proceedings Guidelines

The contributions should be uploaded to the online registration form as electronic document (in English, maximum 2 full pages A4 format). Text editor – Microsoft Word in docx format. font type – Times New Roman. Top margin – 2.5cm, bottom margin – 3cm, left margin – 2cm, right margin – 2cm.

Use the following guidelines, please:

  • title (capital bold letters, font size – 11, centered);
  • 11 pt space after paragraph (blank line);
  • author’s initials and surnames (bold type, font size – 11, centered);
  • title of the organization, address, e-mail, (italic type, font size – 11, centered);
  • 11 pt space after paragraph (blank line);
  • abstract (maximum 10 lines, italic type, font size – 11, bilateral alignment);
  • 11 pt space after paragraph (blank line);
  • report text: (font size – 11, bilateral alignment, indention size – 0.5cm), heading lines (font size – 11, bold type, centering), separate parts are disjoint using blank lines; figures – in PNG, BMP, JPEG, GIF formats; figure captions – font size – 11, italic type; using the color pictures are not allowed; formula editor –Microsoft Equation 3; references – reference numbers in square brackets;
  • 11 pt space after paragraph (blank line);
  • references according to IEEE Citation Guide.

Subtitles (if needed): centered, 11 font size, bold weight, zero spacing after paragraph.

You can also use the following template: example.docx

Important: contributions will be published with minimal text editing.

Registration Process

First you need to create the profile in the KNU Indico system, see the top right corner of this page:

System will ask you for e-mail and forward you further instructions.

This profile will used for participation in all events managed though KNU Indico interface.

Now you can register for the APHYS Conference using the Registration item in the left menu. 


You will be asked for name, institution, position, e-mail and phone number (optionally).

Proceedings are submitted using the Call for Abstracts item in the left menu. You will be asked for title of proceedings, abstract (please copy the abstract from your proceedings here), speaker and track (e.g. Medical Physics or Plasma Physics).