24-27 October 2017
Faculty of Radio Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems
Europe/Kiev timezone

Films solid solution based on Fe and Ge as elements of microelectronics

Not scheduled
Faculty of Radio Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems

Faculty of Radio Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems

Faculty of Radio Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, acad. Glushkov ave., 4g, Kyiv, Ukraine
Oral Physics of Magnetism


Mr Oleksandr Vlasenko (Sumy State University)


In work the structure, phase composition and magnetoresistive properties of three-layer films based on Fe and Ge were investigated. Established in them with a total concentration of Ge atoms from 5 to 20 at.% at the temperature range 300 - 870 K is the formation of a dilute solid solution of Ge atoms in the layers of Fe, which does not substantially affect the value of the magnetoresistance and is related to the diffusion of Ge atoms in lattice a-Fe, decreasing the efficiency of the exchange interaction Fe atoms and disorder domain structure.

Primary author

Mr Oleksandr Vlasenko (Sumy State University)


Mrs Olena Lobodyuk (Sumy State University) Mrs Anastasia Rylova (Sumy State University) Mrs Natalia Shumakova (Sumy State University)

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